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South Africa Nigeria Film Week
Johannesburg, South Africa from 14th - 20th March, 2025
SNFW Jo'burg, South Africa
A strategic platform designed to solidify Nigerian-South African film relations, create more co-productions, and boost market expansion for films in both nations ensuring sustainable industry growth, positioning African cinema for greater global impact.
VENUE: Johannesburg, South Africa.
DATE: 14th - 20th March, 2025
THEME: "Bridging Cinematic Frontiers: Elevating South Africa-Nigeria Film Synergy for Global Excellence".About SNFW
Showcasing the Best of Nigerian and South African Cinema!
The South Africa Nigeria Film Week (SNFW) is a 7-day film event designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing between Nigerian and South African filmmakers. The event features film studio visits, panel discussions, one-on-one meetings, and film screenings, showcasing the best Nigerian and South African cinema. The program seeks to further promote the existing audiovisual agreement signed in 2020 by South Africa and Nigeria's governments, establish new partnerships, enhance collaboration, and expand market opportunities for films from both countries.
1. Facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing between Nigerian and South African filmmakers.
2. Showcase the best of Nigerian and South African cinema to new audiences.
3. Foster business-to-business relationships and partnerships between film industry stakeholders from both countries.Highlights
1. Film Studio Visits: Nigerian stakeholders will visitrenowned film studios in Johannesburg to explore state-of-the-art facilities and learn from industry experts.
2. Panel Discussions: Industry professionals from bothcountries will engage in panel discussions on topics such as co-production,
distribution, and marketing strategies..
3. Meetings with Counterparts: One-on-one meetings betweenNigerian and South African filmmakers, producers, and distributors to discuss potential collaborations and business opportunities.
4. Film Screenings: Showcase of Nigerian and South Africanfilms, including feature films, shorts, and documentaries.
5. Networking Reception: A networking reception will behosted to facilitate connections between industry stakeholders from both
6. Actors Masterclass: A collaborative masterclass organizedbetween South African and Nigerian actors in partnership with the guilds.
- March 14th: Arrival and Welcome Reception
- Welcome remarks by the organizers
- Networking reception - March 15th-16th: Film Studio Visits and Panel Discussions
- Visits to film studios in Johannesburg
- Panel discussions on co-production, distribution, and marketing strategies - March 17th-18th: Meetings with Counterparts and Film Screenings
- One-on-one meetings between Nigerian and South African filmmakers, producers, and distributors.
- Showcase of Nigerian and South African films - March 19th: Networking Reception and Cultural Exchange
- Networking reception
- Cultural exchange program featuring traditional music, dance, and cuisine from both countries - March 20th: Departure
The program is open to Nigerian filmmakers, producers,distributors, and other industry stakeholders. Participants will be selected
based on their experience, achievements, and potential for collaboration with
South African counterparts.- March 14th: Arrival and Welcome Reception
How It Works
2Access Guidelines
Access member guidelines for visa application, payment and other participation/travel info. afterwards.
3Travle to SA
Once your visa, return tickets & travel logistics are ready, pack your bags & join the trip to SA.
Registration Form
Registration portal for this event is OPEN. For enquiries, you can contact Ify Okeke (Chief of Staff) at 08033298476 or Dumkenenna Nnadi (P.A to the President, Multimedia) 07057504051 or send email to: events@actorsguildofnigeria.org
Got Questions? Contact Us
Feel free to reach out. We look forward to hearing from you

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Suite 29, Block 2 NCAC, National Theatre, Iganmu Lagos.
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