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About Us
Learn More About the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN)
Who We Are
Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) is the umbrella organisation for professional screen actors in the Nigerian motion picture industry, known as Nollywood. Officially registered in 1998, our Guild was set up to represent screen performers who entertain and educate our society, and the world about our socio-cultural heritage and essence, as we create professional awareness and protect the interest and welfare of our members.
Members of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) are the brand faces of Nollywood because our members are cultural ambassadors who project a positive image of our country, Nigeria to the world and champion arts, culture and tourism through their artistic performances and talents.
With over one million registered members since inception and still growing. Our registered members are spread across Nigeria's 36 states, including the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The State chapters are grouped into six geo-political zones of the country, namely, (North West, North East, North Central, South-South, South East and South West.)
Our Vision & Mission
The Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) is the largest umbrella organisation representing the welfare of actors in film and television in Nigeria. Our Guild exists to enhance actors' working conditions, compensation and benefits and to be a powerful, unified voice for artists' rights.
We are on a mission to:
- Promote a cordial working relationship between actors and producers in film and television.
- Promote and protect the interests of our members.
- Plan and organise our administrative activities.
- Co-operate and collaborate with local or international organisations in the interests of AGN and our members.
- Promote, support or oppose any proposed legislation or other policies affecting the interests of our members.
- Provide legal support to members in connection with their production contracts.
- Encourage the settlement of disputes between members and producers or organizations through reconciliation, mediation or arbitration.
- Organise and represent members of AGN for the purpose of collective bargaining.
- Undertake lawful actions as may appear to be in the interests of AGN and its members and which are consistent with the objectives or any matter expressly provided for in our constitution.
- Fundraise for the furtherance of the objectives of AGN.
- Establish educational, social and charitable enterprises for AGN members' general welfare and advancement.
We also aim to inspire global collaborative opportunities and cultural exchange programs through our affiliation with the International Federation of Actors (FIA) and agreements with other affiliate organisations across the world.
Our Structure
AGN Chapters are led by the State Executive Council headed by the chairman while the zones are supervised by a Vice President representing each zone respectfully. The six zonal vice presidents are members of the National Executive Council headed by the National President.
Our members are categorized into the following:
- Fellow
- Full Member
- Associate Member
- Student Member

Contact Us
Suite 29, Block 2 NCAC, National Theatre, Iganmu Lagos.
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